
Top 2 Affiliate Marketing Platforms in Africa in 2022

Affiliate marketing has been the business if choice for most newbies to online marketing and those new to the make money online movement, however having incomplete information has meant alot of newbies are stuck, unable to properly market those products and make the large sums of money they were promised they would.

Source : Pharma-Deko Plc

While affiliate marketing ranks among the top legit online networking business around the globe and you do not need to have much of an experience to start, building on the wrong foundations is costly in terms of both money and time.

This is why we have created this post to enlighten you about the best affiliate marketing platforms in Africa and how to join them, their commissions and which in our opinion and observation is the best.

If you are still having double thoughts about the Affiliate business space, the affiliate model allows you to be your own boss, and still gives you room to do other things you find fun.

What is Affiliate Marketing and how do you start?

Affiliate marketing is simply a business model where an affiliate (marketer) earns a commission for marketing (promoting and recommending) another company’s products. Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media etc, generating traffic and leads (people interested in that product) for the chosen product and getting paid for it.

Source: New Breed Marketing

As an affiliate marketer you do not need to worry about selling a product. The affiliate marketer’s duty is primarily to bring customers and leads to the product of their desire thereby helping the affiliated company to make sales. Basically yours directing interested traffic to a product using marketing strategies and earning a commission on it.

Your commission is usually a percentage of the price of the product. Most products have affiliate commissions raving from 5% to as much as 95%.

How can you become an affiliate marketer?

Becoming an affiliate is quite simple, the part that requires work is getting sales through and getting them consistently. The first step is to search for a platform that supports your country’s means of payment, this is important because it’s painful to make sales and not be able to withdraw your money.

Source: Make A Website Hub

Choose a Platform

Choosing the right platform may be a big determinant of your failure or success in affiliate marketing full stop when attempting to choose a platform you should select one that gives you the ability to withdraw your money as well as learn on the job.

Since this post is dedicated to figuring out the right platform for you we will come back to this topic in a minute.

Choose a Niche

A niche refers to an area of specialization. What do you want to sell, how suitable are you with this niche or product you intend to sell? What questions do my audience ask me of? What do the network i have currently prefer?

Source : Advantage Affiliates

Choosing a niche makes it easier for you to make choices on the products. When selecting a niche you should focus on evergreen niches such as Money, sex, relationships, business, travel etc. After choosing a suitable niche, you consider the Product

Choose a Product

After successfully choosing your niche you should choose a product which is evergreen.

Source: QuestionPro

While there are thousands of products out there you have to consider if these products have a hungry market at the moment, if you are able to successfully deliver these products to the customers and you have to consider the results these products generate for the customers.

Some things you need to know include:

  • How much do they need it?
  • Does it placate the consumer’s desire?
  • Where do you get this product?
  • Who are your Competition?

At this point you settle into the affiliate business proper. After choosing a niche, you need to check out AFFILIATE MARKETING PROGRAMS. These programs connect you to affiliate businesses who are in need of your service.

In choosing the affiliate company you get affiliated to, here are some things you need to consider

The Product They Have To Offer
The Brand You Desire To Represent
Your Commission.

The Brand You Desire to Represent

When choosing a company to be affiliated to, you have to also take into cognizance, their brand. The brand refers to the message the company seeks to sell to the public of the company, their carriage and their repute and every other distinguishing factor that separates them from others.

Source: Emotive Brand

The Affiliate brand would influence the quality and kind of product they sell and it would reduce the strain of marketing on prospective clients.


This refers to the percentage profit the affiliate marketer makes from the sales or clicks of any of the products. Your commission is based on the arrangement between you and the affiliated company.

Source : Tapfillate

Affiliate commissions are based on two premises namely;

  • Pay Per Click: This commission system agrees that the affiliate marketer is paid based on the number of clicks he is able to get on the product. Clicks in this sense refers to the number of visitors who visit the affiliated company’s site and click on the affiliate marketer’s product. For each click, he gets his commission.
  • Pay Per Sale; This method is the most popular, the percentage commission is paid to the Affiliate marketer based on the sales. For each sale of the affiliate product, you get paid your commission.

How Much Can You Make From Affiliate Marketing?

There is no limit to how much you can make with the affiliate marketing business model. Just as with any other business you ability to sell determines how much you earn. In Affiliate Marketing, this is dependent on your content, that is how you present your product, your marketing channel, you as a personal brand and the brand you represent.

Source :LeaDyno

You can make five figures, six figures and even more, it all depends on you. It depends on how you make your goods available to the prospective clients and how well you are able to close prospective clients.

Three Pitfalls to avoid as an affiliate marketer

Like every business, the affiliate marketer has his challenges such as how to get his clients to see the offer and how to close the sale.

As a starter in the Affiliate Marketing Business, it is not wrong if you make one or two mistakes while running the affiliate business, however there are some mistakes that are detrimental yet avoidable. Let’s look at some of them shall we?

Putting up too many products

Its cool to have the income coming in bulk and getting increased gains from different products. For the affiliate marketer, too many products could get you confused.
You might be asking, why shouldn’t I put up too much products for sale?

  • It reduces knowledge of products :Your customers and clients deserve to have knowledge about the product you intend to sell to them. Selling more than you can could restrict your knowledge of products to a minimum and you can barely conceal the fact that you do not know a lot about the product you want to sell to your clients.
  • Inadequate Content Creations : Having little knowledge about a product, hinders the quality of content you disperse. Despite not having adequate information about your products, it could also reduce the contents created for your products. Too many contents strains you and therefore limits the quality of contents to be promoted and created for your products. The fewer the products the easier the leads.
  • Lack of Concentration : Having too many products could get you off balance, the number of ads you have to monitor, leads, prospective clients and impressions of your products and how your customers feel about your products. Having too many products may be too much for you. It pays to stick to one or two niche you are interested in and work towards marketing it.

You will enjoy every single bit of it when you are focused on one or two products to sell. You present yourself more coherently.

Creating The Wrong Content

Creating the wrong content type will absolutely reduce your sales. People love to understand that you are aware and benefiting from what you’re offering them

Your content must be easily understood and pass the message in simple and understanding language.

For instance, Facebook gives you access to different types of ads, such as image ads, Carousel ads, video ads etc. Choosing the right ad type for your product can be tricky, despite that, putting on the right content can be trickier. The same goes for poster ads.

The Right content should have the following quality
Straight to the point

Your client is supposed to get the idea behind your poster or ad as soon as he sets eyes on it. He or she is supposed to be gripped to a halt to get the full message of your ad from the very first glance.

Muddling up your ad with so many texts, images and characters would make your ad noisy and indecipherable.

Top 3 Affiliate Marketing platforms

Source : Digital Marketing Skill Institute


In Nigeria, Expertnaire reigns as the foremost and popular digital marketplace where creators of digital products get more sales and connect with more customers via the platform and network of high performing affiliates.

Source : Expertnaire

On the Expartnaire platform, lots of people connect, buy and sell digital products. These digital products are on constant demand about and around the world.

Accounting for over 100, 000 quality products sold, over 30, 000 affiliate marketers and over 70 product creators, Expertnaire boasts of a marketplace where different variety of goods are sold, building opportunities too for individuals who can create quality products.


Effective tracking system that helps the affiliate marketer to keep track of the sales of his or her product ts through.

You are highly honoured as affiliate marketer, your role is clearly defined and all you need do is to make sales.

Compensation is not an issue as they boast of the best compensation system. The affiliate marketer makes 50% commission for the sales of these products.

It is very flexible. The screening system for products on expertnaire is tight and so long as you know what you have to offer, your product is sure to pass the test of time.


  • Digital Products Only: Expartnaire only allows for the sale of digital products. In case your network are lovers of physical products and goods that can be diminish, you may have to think about it for a little second longer.

How to get Started

Check on your browser for the Expertnaire.com, then click on Become an Affiliate Button, Follow the steps involved and you are good to go

Remember on Expertnaire, you are to pay a yearly renewable fee of 10,000 as an affiliate


Second ranking in the Affiliate world in Nigeria is the Learnoflix Affiliate marketplace. Learnoflix is an affiliate and online networking platform that teaches and also partners with affiliates selling top notch digital products.

Source :Egtechblog



  • As a marketer under Learnoflix affiliate platform, you get the cool opportunity to be trained and prepared for the affiliate business through tutorials and courses.
  • It provides for you a market to sell your products.
  • As a Learnoflix Marketer, you do not really need to go through the stress of getting influencers and blogs to get prospective clients, LearnOflix, shows you opportunities and markets to sell your products.


Digital Products Only : On LearnOflix, the products, you choose from a variety of digital products and courses that are on constant demand.

How to register

You have got to Partner with LearnOflix by applying to join the affiliate program.
Watch the marketing tutorials to complete your training.
Choose a hot selling product to promote from the Learnoflix digital store.
Create contents for your product,
Get traffic
Earn 50% commission on each sale.

There are lots and lots of affiliate programs to choose from including,

  • Amazon Associates
  • Fiver Affiliates
  • GiddyUp
  • ShareAsale
  • And a host of others.


There are different affiliate programs to pick from, whichever you choose. Your aim of making cool cash is possible.

As it is said, every human endeavour requires dedication. Affiliate Marketing too, would require that you put in dedicated efforts towards marketing your products.
The good thing is, it is easy, it can be done in your leisure and it requires less exertion.


Is affiliate marketing legit? Six things to know before starting your affiliate marketing business

You have made up your mind that you want to be your own boss. You desire to control your income and ease yourself the stress of waiting for a salary that never satisfies and even though there are other business models such as e-commerce and cryptocurrency, you have chosen affiliate marketing as the business of choice.

That being said, let me tell you six things you need to know before you start your affiliate marketing business.

affiliate marketing

Saying the world has gone digital would be an overstatement of the truth. Welcome to a world where networking and the ability to handle your network is power. Online statistics has it that 30.9% of online businesses are fake as of 2020.

You might get septical about what are the guarantees of venturing into Affiliate marketing and if it would be a wise investment.

Affiliate marketing has been around for a long time, it was made popular by Amazon through pay-per-click on products sold by affiliates.

What exactly is affiliate marketing?

First, we have to understand the very concept of Affiliating and marketing as a whole.

Marketing is exploring and providing value for target audience. This value could come in form of goods and services, tangible or digital (or intangible). In simpler words, it is providing goods or services to those who need them.

Affiliating is another word for partnership. It is coalition with a larger firm based on certain conditions. There are terms to this partnership, that is, you play your part, they play theirs too. This terms could he paying you a fixed fee or paying you on commission.

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing can be simplified into simples terms; that is you earn a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products.

Simply put, it is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The affiliate ( third-party marketer) simply searches for a product they enjoy (have some knowledge about and feel comfortable marketing), then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked via affiliate links.

Affiliate links are unique links that distinguishes one affiliate marketer from the other. The affiliate link is unique for each product and to each marketer. This means two different marketers can market the same product with different links and have their records tracked independently.

Affiliate marketing differs from the pyramid business models and differs from e-commerce. The only thing you do as an affiliate is sell a digital product and get commissions.

Digital products are virtual products, or better put, information products. You can touch them, hence the term virtual, but these give you some actionable processes, steps and information that you could use to achieve some result. In general terms, ebooks, movies, teleseminars, video trainings are all digital products.

The digital product industry is among the fastest growing industry in Nigeria today, coupled with affiliate marketing, sales of digital products is at its highest ever and set to continue growing.

That said here are 6 things to know before starting an Affiliate marketing business.

  • Your product
  • Your Customers
  • Your space
  • Your Brand
  • Profit
  • Risks


Simple. Digital products, goods, etc. The list is endless. As stated earlier, your duty is to advertise these goods and you are paid a commission for the sales made. These products are already having a high demand by people around you. They don’t get spoilt or damaged during delivery, no need to worry about how the customer likes the products, the company will take care of that.

There are varying products, as well as various companies running affiliate programs, such as Expertnaire, Amazon, Learnoflix. Find out the one that suits you and you are passionate about and dive into it.

In Nigeria, Expartnaire is the most popular affiliate marketing platform and best suited for the Nigerian market. The most popular affiliate product in Nigeria as of 2022 is the 72IG course, others are Canada Relocation Blueprint, Ecommerce Leverage Advantage, Facebook Ads Implementation Course, among others.

To promote a product, simply register as an affiliate on Expartnaire, select the product you wish to promote, get it’s unique affiliate link and start promoting. You can learn more about becoming a successful affiliate marketer here.


Do you bother about the people you would sell to? You might be worried about how you would get clients & customers to hear about and buy the products you’re recommending.

You have to remember that lots of people are harnessing the social media and your products have a ton of people who need them. Your job is to advertise these products and reach out to people interested in what your offer and close the sale. The company takes care of everything else.

Now, finding customers is easier said than done and here are 2 ways to get interested people to check out your offers.

Organic Traffic method. Here you actively post in groups or other public places about your product and educate people about it. This method is time consuming but works, as well as doesn’t require spending money.

People who indicate interest are then taken to your WhatsApp or some other form of more intimate messaging where you can close the sale. This method is slow and only advisable when you’re new to affiliate marketing. For pros how ever consider method two.

Paid Traffic Method. This method consumes a lot of money but can be used to scale your fillet marketing business superfast. What do you need to do here is create a lead magnet ( some high-value material which could be an eBook or a video describing your product and giving some other valuable information about your product) and giving it out for free.

Then you are advertising an offer to give out your lead magnet for free to anyone who exchange their contact information with you. Using this method lots of people get your lead magnet and reach out to you, wanting to buy the products through your link. This process is faster and even though it consumes a lot of money (which will be spent on advertising), the rewards are massive.

Your space

The online space is your workplace. You have different media handles as tools with different audiences who seek ways to making profit out of their stay on the online space.

However do not fall into the common trap of trying to reach everyone, everywhere. Instead focus on only 2 social media channels that give you the best reach and promote your products there. Personally I would recommend LinkedIn and Twitter. Twitter specifically, gives one of the best organic reaches of every single platform out there.

Your online space must be fully optimised to show that you are an expert in that industry in which you sell products full stop no one is going to buy from someone who doesn’t look like what he sells. Imagine trying to buy weight loss pills from a very fat man, it just shows that the weight loss pills never works. If you are going to actively attract potential buyers you must clean up your social media handles and look like the part you are trying to sell.

Your Brand

In simple terms, your brand is the entirety of things you do that represent your business. You are an Affiliate marketer, that’s good. You have got a business that can earn you money in five figures. But it’s not a sit-down-and-do-nothing-business. There is work to be done.

You have to create content, create a network, get traffic on your site. Give useful content and advice’s, build your personal brand to be about the product you’re selling. That way you help build, gain and cement trust from prospective and current clients.

So how do you go about this? Irrespective of whether you use the paid traffic method or not, you should create a content calendar where you constantly update value-laden posts on your social media handles. To do this you must be knowledgeable in your niche, this requires you reading and studying materials of the product you wish to sell.

Next, you have to master communication and closing. You must learn to be patient with questions of your potential customers and learn to respond to messages with courtesy.


You have got profit to make from the sales you make. That after all is the essence of being an affiliate marketer. Since You are basically paid per sale, when choosing a product to promote, you should consider the prophet you’ll be making from that products. This takes into account how much will be spent on accumulating customers. If little to no profit is left after spending to get a customer, then the product isn’t worth promoting.

For example, let’s examine the 72ig course, that is the most sought after product on affiliate marketing. For each sale of the 72ig product, you make 50℅ commission on it. As at the time of writing this post, the 72 IG course goes for ₦60,000. This means for every successful sale you make ₦30,000. Depending on how good you are in advertising you might be spending more or less in acquiring customers and closing sales. You must factor that into your profit and decide if that course/ product is what promoting.

The easiest formula to increase your commission, is through increased sales, the more your sales, the more your commission, the more your commission the more your profit. Simply put make more offers and get more people to see your offers. That is basically all.

You should also note that you don’t need to buy a product before you can promote it on Expartnaire.


All business are risky, but affiliate marketing could be one of the safest business ever. Why?

  • One, you don’t own the products. You are not liable for it integrity this simply means if there is a problem with the product you are not to be blamed. The buyer simply takes up his grievance with the product creator.
  • Two, you do not store or transfer the products. Simply put since we are dealing with digital products the buyer gets the product directly from the product creator and you as a middleman do not handle storage or delivery. Even in case of physical product you do not handle storage or delivery you simply connect buyer to seller and get your commission.
  • Three, you are not liable for refunds. In case of grievances with the products, The seller is responsible for making refunds as well as keeping to guarantees.

With all these awesome advantages are there any risks? Well yes!

For one, you will need to learn how to close a potential client. This means you must work on your closing skills regularly by learning and implementing. Failure to close properly means you will have a ton of leads which you have spent money and time acquiring and no sales.

Secondly if the product you decide to promote is crappy, since people do not know the content creator, instead they know you, they are likely going to tag you as crappy. However on a platform like Expartnaire, products are vetted for sincerity and results before they are allowed to be on that platform. So you need not worry about this.

Thirdly, if you will be running paid advert you must learn how to advertise properly. Failure to properly advertise at a good rate will mean spending a lot of money without achieving complimentary results.

Away from the risks, the gains are inexhaustible, the profit margin is high, the risk is far reduced. You can make gains through affiliate marketing even when sleeping, the secret, delegate the task, create an ad and see wonders.

The Affiliate Marketing business model enables flexibility, making you your own boss. This means you are free to try out new ways that fit you and you are provided with lot of products to pick according to your niche.

Looking at all these six points so far, it’s safe to say that Affiliate Marketing is one of the safest businesses you can get into in 2022.

Click here to learn more about starting your affiliate marketing journey today.