
If you are a student, youth corper, stay at home mom, private or government worker,

And you have been dreaming or searching for a way to make some extra money online,

Pay attention,

I'm going to tell you the secret of

How I make up to

₦100k monthly from Google Maps

And 6 Different Ways You Too Could Be Making Such Figures From Google Maps

I know this may sound absurd to you,

It sounded absurd to over 5000 other people too, but they decided to try it first and they have seen that this secret works,

So what's this secret way I make money with Google maps?

I'll get to that in a minute but let me tell you my story and how using these Google secrets was the best thing that happened to me in January 2022,

My name is Sean balogun Samy and I am a Google My Business Expert as well as a Facebook & Google ads manager,

My occupations were not always this glamorous, inshort this is me working as a Customer Care Agent at Ison, Ibadan, Nigeria where I was paid ₦24,000 a month

and we often slept on the ground because we closed late,
this is I & a friend sleeping on a mat and using our work chairs as pillows

Trust me with a salary of ₦24,000 in a city like Ibadan, I was always broke and hungry.

I tried so many things like affiliate marketing and creating digital products. They all tanked and gave me little to no sales.

Writing this today (June 28th) I remember boxing day last year,

I had nothing to eat and starved the whole day until a friend managed to send me the last 1k in his account by 9pm,

going out to find a POS to withdraw, they had already closed. I slept with alot of water in my stomach.

So what changed for me?

I learnt of GMB from a friend, Nonso Onyejemezi

and even though I didn't take it seriously immediately, I did start to learn and implement and the rest they say is history.

From this particular i have earned money and taught over 4,500 students how to make money with Google maps

and the money hasn't stopped flowing.

N225,000 Made

No this isn't to oppress you, and no I'm not making billions or millions, but I'm making enough to be happy & if I don't show you proof, you shouldn't believe me.

So, how can Google Maps make you money?

Google has a Free, hidden tool for businesses and that is what I use to make money,

It's called Google My Business or GMB for short.

GMB is a free business listing feature by Google that enables business owners put their business on google search and maps enabling customers to find them.

Imagine searching "restaurants near me"

and this is what pops out. You get to see a list of restaurants that are in your location, starting from the highest ranked, to the lowest.

Here are some of the benefits of this tool for business owners

It builds a massive amount of trust as people tend to trust everything they see on google.

When your business is on google, it would definitely bring in more customers

Every day over 1.7 billion searches are made on Google, *over 40%* of those searches are someone finding a product or service or information relating to a product or service

Anyone on earth that has a google enabled phone can find your business and contact you

So you do not, have to have offices in those countries

Let's say for example you are a hotel manager and someone from another country is looking for a hotel he can stay in

He can search on Google Maps to find your hotel, call you and book your hotel before he even starts his Journey.

The lifeblood of any business is Advertising.

If you don't advertise, no one will know your business exists, if they don't know, you won't make any sales and that means no money.

Now advertising is very very costly. If you have ever paid for an advert before you will understand what I'm saying

Google has provided a free advertising opportunity with Google My Business.

How does google my business work?

Google my business works by listing business information using Google's free business tool so that it appears on Google search and Google maps

Some of the information that is required includes

Opening and closing hours
Type of business and category
Business name
Pictures of products
Pictures of menu/ services


Putting all this information and getting them verified by Google is known as a Google my business listing.

This enables local customers and even those far away to be able to find your business from anywhere they are and even get the location of your business.

They can call your business,
Email you
Check out your website
Follow you on social media
Send your messages
And lots more ...

That's the summary of how it works.

Today, I've made over ₦200K

So what are the 6 ways you can make money with Google Maps & GMB?

1 👉🏾 Put your business on google: Doing this will give you more customers and therefore more money.

In short by Simply putting your business on Google and optimizing your profile you can get 3x more customers than if you did not.

2 👉🏾 Put the Client's business on Google and get paid: Do you know you can get as much as ₦50,000 for every business you put for a client?

Banks even pay higher for their ATMs to be put on Google.

Here is my friend cashing out ₦25K in 30 minutes

3 👉🏾 Coach others: This is my favorite, after having coached over 4500 students.

I can tell you this is awesome.

The sweetest part is that you need only 2 hours per week to coach and catwalk run to the bank

4 👉🏾 You can sell this skill as an affiliate: This simply means you find a product that teaches this skill and sell it to people interested! Awesome Abi?

5 👉🏾 Optimize Companies Profiles & Get Paid:
Here all you do is contact business whose profiles are ranking poorly and optimise it for them and get paid.

Here is how Someone is killing it

You can get friends and family to recommend you to their friends and they make a commission on every sale. This way you grow faster and Make more money.

How much can you make?

Well that is totally up to you but I love to put the numbers together.

If you decide to get just 10 customers per month and charge them 15,000 Naira each,

₦15,000 X 10 = ₦150,000.


Let's say you decide to sell the product as an affilate and make 60% commission.

60% of ₦5000 = ₦3,000

If you make 50 sales a month = 50 * ₦3,000
= ₦150,000

One way or the other you are making money

Now, this is not working for just me alone, over 50+ people I have trained are making money using this same formula,

Here is how you can also make money with it too,

using the 6 ways I have shown you above

Would you like to make some side income every month?
Do you want to stop overdepending on your salary alone?
Would you like to get the results I have gotten and more?
Would you like to learn this 30-Minute simple skill that can make you sme income by the side week-in, week out?

If you answered yes to all these,

Then I invite you to register for the Google My Business Mentorship +Academy

This is a 1 -year mentorship support group where you are given all the videos, tools, resources, and support for up to 1 year to succeed in making money with Google Maps,


✍🏿 STEP-BY-STEP videos on how to put your business or a client's business on google from start to finish. ( Worth ₦5,000)

✍️ How to Get Your Business/ Clients' Business to rank in the top 3. The higher a business ranks, the more customers that visit that Business.

✍️ 247 Support From Myself and over 70+ students who are already making money with Google Maps for the next 365 days

✍️ *BONUS 1* How to Fill up a WhatsApp class with 512 people for under ₦4,000. (Worth ₦10,000)

This is how I've been able to spend less than ₦30K to teach 10 WhatsApp classes and made over ₦350,000 in pure earnings.

✍️ *BONUS 2* How To Get Clients For Any Type Of Business You Do - Especially Foreign Clients. (Worth ₦15,000)

Foreign clients pay from as low as $100 to over $2500 per business.

You learn how to cold call foreign clients and get them to give your their business to handle.

✍️ *BONUS 3* How to make money as an affiliate for the GMBB. (Worth ₦5,000)

The greatest reason why most affiliates fail to make sales is a lack of guidance. Here you'll get all the guidance you need to make sales continuously.

✍️ *BONUS 4* How to make up to ₦100K monthly with WhatsApp classes ( this one is juicy and it's exactly what I'm practicing). (Worth ₦15,000)

This is a continuation of bonus 2, however here you learn the step-by-step strategies to making sales using WhatsApp classes ....and you can employ these strategies on any product be they physical or digital.

✍️ *BONUS 5* You also learn how to create a free website with Google. (Worth ₦15,000)

This particular one has made me some really fast cash. It's completely free and I charge each of my clients ₦12,000 to build this website.

Guess what? It takes me less than 1 hour since it's mostly dragging and dropping. No domain is needed.

Here is an example a student of mine built and made 10k in the process....

✍🏿 *BONUS 6* How to open a virtual dollar account & PayPal account. (Worth ₦ 10,000)

With this, you can receive payment from foreign Clients.

If you're going to be dealing with foreign clients and making money in USD, then you absolutely need this.

Don't make money and end up struggling to find ways to withdraw it, or getting charged an arm and a leg just to withdraw your money.

Total Worth of all what you'll be getting = ₦75,000


That's alot! Especially with the way the naira is falling everyday! Trust me, I know!

So I'm not going to ask you to pay that!

Instead I'll be giving you a 93% discount. 🤯


(The ₦250 covers your Value Added Tax and hosting charges by the payment platform)

So will you let all these pass?

It's just ₦5,250 to register and join the Academy.

Thats just about the price of a medium sized pizza


Believe it or not, the GmBB and the academy is not for everyone.


☑️ Its for you if you are a salary earner and your salary is never enough, always finishing before the month ends and you are desiring to stop this vicious cycle.

☑️ It's for youth corpers who want to earn some extra money and not depend on alawwee alone as well as start life much more easily

☑️ it's for Business People who want to get more customers from Google and make more money from their business

☑️ It's for stay at home Parents that want to be independent and make some money for themselves

Again, It's not for everyone!

It's not for you if you're looking for miracles, this course and the academy doesn't do that.

It's not for you if you don't like implementation. In the academy, we make it a point of duty to implement everything we learn.

So if you know you are any of the above 4 people that we listed,


OPTION 1 - Make a payment online, click the link below





When your payment goes through you are automatically redirected to the Academy WhatsApp group.

This is a WhatsApp Google My Business mentorship Academy and this is where you will be given access to all the courses as well as gain support from me and over 50 other students.

If for any reason you are not automatically redirected to the WhatsApp group send a message to +2348103644012.

If you decide to pay via bank transfer, however,


2- MAKE PAYMENT AND send your proof of payment to the same number

3- WITHIN 30 minutes will be added to the WhatsApp group.

Now I know you might be scared of paying for another course and not getting what you want,

That's why the GMBM+A isn't just a course: it's a full-blown 1-year mentorship Academy, where I and others will work with you and guide you into make money from Google

But, you have a 30- Days, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

This means if you don't get what you want, or don't feel like you are getting what you paid for, you can request your money back and it'll be given to you

(Note, the ₦250 is non-refundable since it covers your tax)

Frequently Asked Questions

*1. How long does it take a business to rank on Google maps?*

☑️ Answer: Firstly it's dependent on category. Some categories do not have as much competition and therefore very few businesses are already registered in that category this means that once you register your business it's more likely going to rank within a few weeks on the top Page.

For a competitive market, e.g restaurant, it can take a few months.

*2. Do I have to meet my clients?*

☑️Answer: No! This is a complete work-from-home business. However, your client may decide to do a video call with you. When requested, you should.

*3. If my business isn't on the first page, will it still get found?*

☑️ Answer: Yes! It'll be found through Google maps. Whenever someone searches for your type of business in that area and goes to google maps, your business will appear there as well. From there they can reach out to you.

*4. How much can I charge as a beginner?*

☑️ Answer: While it's completely up to you, you shouldn't change below ₦5,000. I charge ₦25,000 for established businesses and while I no longer do startups, I used to charge ₦5,000 for start-ups

5. Is this course for Nigerians only?

☑️ Absolutely not. Anyone who desires to learn this skill and make money from Google, anywhere you are in the world, provided you SPEAK & UNDERSTAND ENGLISH - this is because the course is recorded in ENGLISH- you can benefit from taking this course.

6. Will Google also include any charges during registration or later?

☑️ NO. According to Google, it's absolutely free. It has remained free for over 5 years now. So it's definitely going to be free just like searching on google.

7. Does one have to create a Google business profile each time a new client shows interest?

☑️ YES. Each business is its own profile. You can however use one single Gmail account to manage an unlimited number of business profiles for clients.

8. Does the Free website need a domain? Do I need to study design? Will I need a laptop?

☑️ No the free website you'll be able to build for clients doesn't need a domain. It'll use a google domain. You also do not need to be techy or have a laptop. However, a laptop is recommended because it's easier with a laptop

9. Can I withdraw directly from my foreign dollar account?

☑️ Yes. You can withdraw to your local bank when you get paid in foreign currencies. Presently only UDS, Euro, and Pounds are accepted.


Now you have gotten to the end of this letter, and as I write this I think about the decision you have to make,

and how my own decision to listen to my friend back in December made me where I am today,

So dear friend,

Its YOUR choice.

You have seen others making it.

You have seen how I made it.....

Are you going to keep complaining about much you need money, day-in, day-out ?,

how much you wish you could get some extra cash ?,

how much your salary isn't enough?


Are you going to take the bold step and invest this little token is learning this simple skill that will save you from " borrowing urgent 2k" everyday?



Copyright © 2022 Seanbalogunsamy.com/blog

DISCLAIMER - This site is not affiliated with Meta, Facebook, Google or any of their associations / Platforms. The contents on this website are the sole property of Seanbalogunsamy.com/blog.