Go From Having An Unstable Income To Generating Daily Credit Alerts by Simply Selling Your Knowledge To Strangers Online
This is a Paid Challenge, It NOT FREE
What Is The 30 Days Daily Credit Alerts Challenge ?
The 30 Days Daily Credit Alerts Challenge (30DDCA) is an online mentoring and coaching where business owners and other vendors are taught to research their existing knowledge, refine said knowledge, and package it into a framework and a solution that solves other peoples’ pressing problems.
This packaged framework is known as a digital product and can come in the form of an ebook, video course, podcast, music, WhatsApp training, email newsletter and so on.
During these 30 days, they are then taught how to sell this product which they have created using Facebook and Instagram ads in a way that provides them with consistent cash flow every single day.
The goal of the challenge is to help you create a system that produces consistent cash flow to your pockets every single day and equips you with the knowledge, experience, and framework to sell your knowledge and make money daily as opposed to weekly or monthly.
The challenge will start on the 12th of April and run till the 10th Of May.
Who Is It For?
9-5 Workers are the most endangered and need this the most for many reasons, chief amongst them is that one can be fired anytime without any warning and even in cases where one isn’t fired, salaries are hardly ever enough to cover the bills.
Learning how to generate cash on a daily basis without having to do any extra job will go a long way to alleviate uncertainty and pay the bills.
Fashion designers, make-up artists, event planners, Bakers, Chefs, Nutritionists, etc this is well suited for you.
This is because it’s not every day you get customers and this often means that you go several days without having a steady cash flow… but your bills won’t wait and you have to pay them somehow.
Imagine having another source of income that puts money in your pocket daily and ensures you have steady cahflow.
Getting a job in Nigeria or any other part of Africa today is no small feat. Despite graduating with good scores, there is no guarantee that you will get a good job or any job at all.
This is why having a system that pays you daily income, simply selling your knowledge is super important for you as you don’t have to rely on friends and family for support when you are in the job market or between jobs.
As a freelancer, this is a means for you to make constant income daily by simply packaging the skill you sell on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr into a simple digital product that can be easily consumed and bought by others who want to learn said skills.
How Does The 30 Days Daily Credit Alert Challenge Work?
The 30 Days Daily Credit Alerts Challange (30DDCA) isdivided into multiple progressive steps which you will have to progress through
Participants register for the 30DDCA and are onboarded. Upon payment, you will be required to provide your gmail and payment details which will be used to create an academy dashboard access for you. This will give you access to the set of course videos you need to watch.
Participants then log into their academy course dashboards and study the course materials provided for a period of 5 days. All course matrials and videos are 5-10 minutes long, beginner friendly and easy to consume using your mobile phone. By the end of day 5, participants are equiped with the right knowledge and ready to create their own knowledge product and start selling using Facebook and Instagram ads
Participants get on a 10 minutes call with the admin to determine which strategy best fits their choosen digital product and to refine the idea they have choosen before creation starts.
Participants then start the challenge proper from day 6 by creating their digital product and setting up facebook and instagram ads that sell them using their choosen strategy
Get Access to short , straight to the point videos that show you exactly how i use Artificial Intelligence Softwares to research ideas, package those ideas and crate a finidshed, polished product ready to be marketed and sold.
You will also watch as i create an ad that sell this products using facebook.
We have a daily check in system where you will be followed up every day to ensure you are on track and not slacking behind and this makes it easy for everyone who joins the challenge to get results.
You will get access to easy-to-edit templates that help you create different digital products of your choice. All these will be provided to make your creation process easy and superfast and help you get started in as little as 3 days even if you have never created a digital product before.
Every participant of the challenge gets on a call with the hosts to streamline their process and make it easier to achieve mind blowing results. This call will be held at least once via whatsapp or zoom.
This is not a challenge where you are left to do it alone by yourself, its one where you have support all the way
At the end of the challenge, you will have made from as little as $50 to as much as $100 simply selling your knowledge to sttrangers online- and the amazing part is even after the challenge, you will still be able to use the knowldedge garnered and keep earning for life.
At the end of the challenge, you will have you own digital product (video course, whatsapp training or ebook) which solves a pressing, indemand problem- for which people are will to pay for.
You will be equipped with the required knowledge to sell your newly created digital product using simple facebook ads
You will be equipped with a personal sales strategy that allows you to combine organic content and paid advertising to easily make a ton of money selling your digital product in 30 days or less
At the end of the challenge, you will have a predictable and consistent way to make money on a daily, weekly and monthly baisi without you have to create the product ever again.
At the end of the challenge, you will become an authpority in your fiend and have a celebrity status because you are now selling ad sharing your knowledge and experience.
✅ Sean Balogun Samy
✅Online Sales and Marketing Consultant
✅ Sold over 500 Units of His Various Digital Products Such As Google My Business Academy, & Ultimate Facebook Ads Bundle
✅ Trained Over 300 Business Owners Across Different Niches On Sales, Marketing & Knowledge Selling
✅ A Polymer Engineer & Certified Disaster Risk Manager
✅ Worked With Multiple Big Names In The Information Marketing Industry Such As Mute Efe & Daniel Gabriel
✅Original Price: N10,997,
If the idea of massively receiving daily credit alerts from selling your knowledge sounds like a goal you would like to hit before the end of 2024
Then click HERE to enter the WhatsApp waiting room, where more details will be posted and complete your payment.
Alternative Payment Methods
Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, UK, USA.
You can pay online and be redirected to the waiting room.
if you are in Nigeria
Make a direct payment to
Account name: Infosoft Solutions
Account Number: 8103844012
Bank Name : Moniepoint Microfinanace Bank
Once payment has been done, kindly send your proof of payment to +234 809 358 0312
No. This isnt affiliate marketing. This is you learning how to package your knowledge and creating a product which you thn sell. You will also learn how to get others to help ypu sell this product and you pay them a comission. This ay you make money faster and without doing any work.
No. Anyone can do this and using Ai you can resarch any knowledge industry you like and create helpful products that people will want to buy. But its an advantage if you have a skill or business you already pactice as you are able to determine what easily sells there.
No. All products created and sold during thee challange will be digital (virtual) products.